Laserterapia Acupuntural en Depresiones

A continuación publico, un estudio con varios puntos de acupuntura, para la depresión, el estudio esta hecho con metodo doble ciego, y para tratamientos de depresiones moderadas, el paciente no tenia conocimiento de si se usaba laser en su terapia o no, esta es la publiciación de PEFOTS (pan european federation of TCM societies), en el nº7 de sus publicaciones European Journal of TCM.

Laser acupuncture for depression
In a double-blind randomized controlled trial, active laser
acupuncture was found to be significantly more effective
for the treatment of mild to moderate depression (at twelve
weeks from trial onset) compared to sham laser acupuncture.
In this trial, the practitioner did not know during treatment
whether the laser device was active or not and was asked not
to communicate with the patient other than a first greeting.
Treatment was given twice a week for four weeks, then
weekly for four weeks. The principal points used were Qimen
LIV-14 (right), Jiuwei REN-15, Juque REN-14, Shenmen HE-7,
Ququan LIV-8 (left). Additional points were used in cases
where anxiety scores were high, (mainly Yingu KID-10).
Laser acupuncture is non-invasive and therefore free
of infection risk. Laser acupuncture is well tolerated with
transient fatigue as the most common adverse effect. The
technique is relatively easily learned by community based
general practitioners. Laser acupuncture is worth further
investigation as a treatment for mild to moderate depression
in primary care.
Quah-Smith JI, et al. Laser acupuncture for mild to moderate depression
in a primary care setting – A randomized controlled trial. Acupuncture in
Medicine 2005; 23:103-111.


  1. Como pagina interesante, explicando los tipos de laser terapia para acupuntura, es la siguiente..

    Un saludo


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